The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network

The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network: Argentina Collective Action

The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) recognized through its anonymous incident reporting mechanism frequent recurring reports of financial demands made during the vessel clearance process in Argentina.

Our Strategy

To address this challenge, MACN sought to understand the root causes and devise solutions with a coalition of champions. MACN and local partner Governance Latam, in collaboration with other industry stakeholders, catalyzed a collective action program to investigate the root causes of the problem and support SENASA in reforming its procedures to tackle systemic corruption.

Our Outcomes and Impact

Following a series of public consultations on the new regulation, MACNu2019s collective action resulted in a new regulatory framework in Argentina that reduces discretion in the inspection of holds and tanks, establishes a system of cross-checks to increase integrity, provides an escalation process when disputes occur, and creates an e-governance system to underpin the framework. Inspections will be conducted by registered private surveyors, and, in case of conflict, bulk carriers will be able to request supervision of these inspectors from SENASA.


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